Various minor races and the disenfranchised band together in little warclans just to survive and absolutely no one is paying any attention to the collateral damage all this war is doing to Israfiel itself, which is starting to look as pitted and scarred as Two-Face on the wrong side of the bed. It's a little hectic and a lot dangerous. So you got the Minotaurs sharpening their blades instead of reading bedtime stories, rebellious dwarves under the thumb of some xenophobic humans who think they know what's best for everyone, a cabal of spirits just barely able to affect the mortal world but have found power through religious manipulation of sheep all too eager to fight for a god that speaks to them, and the valkyries above them all throwing out command like they own the place. It's denizens are all battle-harden and just itching to rip the spine out of someone who looks at them the wrong way or insults their honor or whatever.

It's in the constant grip of one war or another, sometimes many at once. It's your typical WBR world, a whole lot of conviction and way too much fighting. Take Israfiel, the focus of this preview thread, for example. Each one has its own keyword, yes, but they also have other major and minor themes beyond just a keyword and its resulting mechanical ripples. Indeed, each Shard in Fracture isn't quite so simple as "everything is artifacts" or "attack with one guy, get bonus". In a few cases, certain basic effects are present in more than one Shard, but are reflected differently as a result of the different pieces' mechanical focuses, keywords and playstyles. The Shards here all fit back together as one set, and there are obvious and not-so obvious hints that this is one set broken apart and evolved over time. Boosters and starter decks would all be Shard-exclusive, featuring only cards from one Shard (much like MBS' boosters, but the inspiration for this goes much farther back, to a discussion in the Rumor Mill during Shards rumor season where someone mentioned that it would have been interesting/flavorful if the cards had been sorted by Shard). Each piece was designed to be essentially a self-contained set just as each Shard is (for now) completely isolated. The total set size is just shy of 500, but the set itself is divided in five equal pieces, a piece for each Shard. The frame for Fracture is one we've seen countless times here, that of the enemy-wedge shards, but done just a little differently. In the tradition of my previously-released custom card sets (links in my sig!), I'm going to do a preview/spoiler rollout for my next set called Fracture.